Tips and Tricks for a Fresh and Scented Home

Tips and Tricks for a Fresh and Scented Home

Tips and Tricks for a Fresh and Scented Home


There is nothing worse than walking into your apartment and being greeted by a foul odor. From cooking smells to dirty laundry, there are many things that can cause your space to stink. Not only is this unpleasant for you, but it can also be embarrassing when guests come over. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to freshen up your living space and make it smell great. In this blog post, we'll share some tips and tricks for getting rid of bad smells in your apartment.


Identify the Source of the Odor

The first step to getting rid of bad smells in your apartment is to identify where the odor is coming from. It could be old food in the fridge, dirty laundry, or even your pets. Once you know what's causing the smell, you can take the necessary steps to remove it. For example, if it's old food in the fridge, you'll need to throw it out and give the fridge a good cleaning. If it's dirty laundry, make sure to wash it as soon as possible.

Keep Your Apartment Clean

One of the best ways to prevent bad smells in your apartment is to keep it clean. This means regularly dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces. If you have pets, make sure to clean up after them and give them a bath as needed. You should also take out the trash regularly and clean your dishes right after using them.

Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to add a pleasant scent to your apartment. You can use them in a diffuser, add them to your cleaning supplies, or even mix them with water and spray them around your home. Some of the best essential oils for eliminating bad smells include lavender, peppermint, and lemon.

Utilize Natural Deodorizers

There are several natural deodorizers that can help eliminate bad smells in your apartment. Baking soda is one of the most effective, as it absorbs odors and neutralizes them. You can place an open box of baking soda in your fridge, closet, or other areas that tend to get smelly. You can also mix baking soda with water to make a paste and use it to clean surfaces.

Invest in an Air Purifier

If you're still struggling with bad smells in your apartment, consider investing in an air purifier. These devices help remove pollutants and odors from the air, leaving your space smelling fresh and clean. There are several different types of air purifiers available, including HEPA filters and activated carbon filters.



No one wants to live in a stinky apartment. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to freshen up your space and make it smell great. By identifying the source of the odor, keeping your apartment clean, using essential oils, utilizing natural deodorizers, and investing in an air purifier, you can create a fresh and scented home that you'll love coming back to. If you're currently seeking apartments for rent in Fort Myers, FL, contact The Robert Apartments today to schedule a tour of our beautiful and odor-free spaces.

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