Tips for First Time Apartment Tenants

Tips for First Time Apartment Tenants

Tips for First Time Apartment Tenants

Moving into your first apartment can be a bit intimidating, especially if you have never lived on your own before. Although there is a lot of responsibility that comes with moving into your first apartment there are things you can do to make the experience one to remember and to have a little less anxiety.

Inspect the Unit Thoroughly Before Moving-in

Finding the right apartment for rent in Fort Myers, FL can be a challenging task. Once you find the perfect one for you, immediately do a thorough inspection of the place. This includes taking pictures of each room from various angles and any issues that you see wrong with the apartment such as cracks in the walls or windows. You will also want to report any issues found to the property management before you move anything into your new apartment to ensure they are fully aware of the damage that you found to that you won’t be responsible for it when you move out. This also ensures that when it comes time for you to move you won’t have a problem getting your full security deposit back because you reported the condition of the apartment before you moved in.

Always Report Maintenance Issues

This goes hand in hand with the first tip. No matter what the issue is, always report it as soon as possible to the property management, even if the issue is your fault. This will not only prevent you from causing an issue with the neighboring units but will save you and the property management huge headaches down the road. Even if it doesn’t seem like a huge deal, photograph the issue and report it immediately. You don’t want a small drip to turn into a huge flood for you and your neighbors. This also means if you notice an issue with a neighboring unit, report it immediately.

Clean your Apartment Regularly

Not only is it healthy to live in a clean home, but maintaining a clean apartment in could save from problems later. If you have a maintenance issue that requires maintenance personnel to enter your apartment and it’s a mess, it could prevent them from being able to make necessary repairs. Also, many properties will do random inspections to apartments. A clean apartment is also free of unwanted pests such as roaches. If these critters do show up and your apartment is clean, it makes it easier for the property management as well as pest control to track down the source of the problem meaning it can be resolved much more quickly.

Following these few simple tips can make you not only a good tenant but a good neighbor as well. Moving into an apartment in Fort Myers, FL is a huge responsibility, especially if this is your first home on your own. Make it the best experience by taking good care of the place and following the rules of the complex.

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